All Campden Road

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
19/01372/NMA Decided Granted
2 & 2A
Campden Road
Non-material amendment to application 18/01987/CONR (non-material amendment to add a parking space to the rear) Map
19/02552/NMA Decided Granted
2 & 2A
Campden Road
Non-material amendment in relation to planning permission ref.16/05636/FUL. (Amendments to location of bin store, step free access and a single stepped approach into the boundary of the site.) Map
19/04360/DISC Decided Granted
2 & 2A
Campden Road
Discharge of condition 10 (drainage strategy) to planning permission ref.18/01987/CONR (Variation of condition 8 attached to planning application ref. 16/05636/FUL for the demolition of the existing buildings, erection of 2 two storey buildings with basement parking and accommodation in roofspace comprising 9 one bedroom 7 two bedroom and 4 three bedroom flats, formation of vehicular accesses). Map
23/02266/LP Decided Lawful-Refused
Campden Road
Certificate for Proposed Lawful Use of dwelling for Class C3(b) purposes for up to six occupiers Map
20/02847/DISC Decided Lawful-Refused
Campden Road
Discharge of condition 3 (details) of 18/02807/FUL Map
19/04297/FUL Decided Granted
Campden Road
Erection of two/three storey building with accommodation at roof and basement level to provide five residential units with associated car parking, cycle, refuse storage and landscaping. Map
21/03335/DISC Decided Granted
Campden Road
Discharge of Condition 6 (Construction Logistics Plan) attached to planning permission ref. 19/04297/FUL for erection of two/three storey building with accommodation at roof and basement level to provide five residential units with associated car parking, cycle, refuse storage and landscaping. Map
21/03336/DISC Decided Granted
Campden Road
Discharge of Condition 10 (Piling Method Statement) attached to planning permission ref. 19/04297/FUL for erection of two/three storey building with accommodation at roof and basement level to provide five residential units with associated car parking, cycle, refuse storage and landscaping. Map
19/00338/HSE Decided Granted
Campden Road
Alterations, erection of single storey side/rear extension Map
22/00659/LP Decided Lawful-Accepted
Campden Road
Loft conversion with erection of a side dormer and a rear dormer and installation of skylights Map
22/00993/HSE Decided Granted
Campden Road
Erection of single storey wrap around side/rear extension Map
22/04173/HSE Decided Granted
Campden Road
Erection of single storey wrap around side/rear extension Map
23/01696/LP Decided Lawful-Refused
Campden Road
Alterations to forecourt with turf and permeable paving Map