All Beech Way

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
20/06021/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1 Ash & T2 Ash - Fell due to Ash Die back disease. (TPO no. 104) Map
19/02098/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1, Sycamore - Prune back extended lateral branches over garage by approx. 2m in length to reduce branch end weight.(TPO no. 104) Map
19/03250/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1, Sycamore - To reduce overall by 2 - 2.5m and re-shape(TPO no. 104) Map
21/05455/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1, Ash - Fell to ground level. Tree is in severe decline with majority of the crown dead. (TPO 104) Map
23/04336/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1, Ash- Fell tree to ground level. Tree is in decline due to Ash dieback. T2, Sycamore - 2.5m Crown Reduction (TPO 104) Map
19/02453/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
G1: Consisting of 4 silver birch trees - Fell due to heavy shading. One of the trees is leaning, one is struggling with compaction and in general poor condition. (TPO no. 22, 1972) Map
23/03961/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1 Common Beech. Reduce height by 2m and 2m laterally round. (TPO no. 22, 1972) Map
19/01670/HSE Decided Granted
Beech Way
Erection of porch and installation of window to front elevation, associated alterations Map
19/02448/TRE Decided Refused
Beech Way
T1: Silver Birch - Fell due to leaning and overhanging the house. Map
20/03116/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1. Silver Birch. Fell due to heavy lean toward the house and heavy shading.(TPO no. 22, 1972) Map
23/03140/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
G1. Consisting of two small Common Ash trees. Fell due to the presence of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. T2. Common Beech tree. Laterally reduce the overhang across the fence line by 2m for full height only. (TPO 22, 1972) Map
24/00458/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1. Common Beech - 2m Crown Reduction (TPO 22, 1972) Map
20/06614/DISC Decided Granted
Beech Way
Discharge of Condition 2 (tree protection plan and method statement) attached to planning permission ref. 18/00139/HSE for alterations: Demolition of existing lower ground floor summer room; Erection of lower ground and ground floor side/rear extensions to include a roof terrace. Map
19/01382/CONR Decided Granted
Beech Way
Variation of condition 12 (existing trees not to be felled, lopped, topped or otherwise removed during the course of development) of permission ref: 17/04917/FUL dated 20.12.2017 (Erection of 3 four bedroom detached houses and 4 four bedroom semi detached houses with associated access and parking) to allow for the removal of trees T13 (Hazel), T27 (Hazel), T30 (Ash) and T31 (Ash). Map
23/03138/TRE Decided Granted
Beech Way
T1. Common Beech. Fell due to high amount of decay at base of stem due to Armillaria infection. T2. Common Beech. Fell due to compromised root system, due to Meripilus infection. (TPO 22, 1972) Map
19/00428/HSE Decided Granted
Beech Way
Erection of a single storey extension with terrace and steps to the rear. Map
22/03021/HSE Decided Refused
Beech Way
Erection of a double garage. Map