All Quail Gardens

Ref Status Building Street Narrative Notes
22/04192/HSE Decided Granted
Quail Gardens
Erection of two-storey side extension and rear dormer extension with associated work Map
20/02187/HSE Decided Granted
Quail Gardens
Demolition of existing single storey garage and erection of a single storey side extension. Map
19/02063/HSE Decided Granted
Quail Gardens
Enlargement of the existing external side garage and conversion into a habitable room. Map
19/00543/FUL Decided Granted
Land Adjoining 46
Quail Gardens
Erection of 15 x three bedroom terraced houses. Provision of vehicular access, access road and associated works including car/cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping Map
19/05707/DISC Decided Granted
Development Site Adjoining 46
Quail Gardens
Discharge of Conditions 2 (Materials), 5 (Landscape Management), 8 (Delivery and Servicing), 11(Bat Survey), 12 (Badger Survey), 14 (Lighting), 15 (CEMP), 16 (Biodiversity) attached to application 19/00543/FUL dated 22/07/2019 for 'Erection of 15 x three bedroom terraced houses. Provision of vehicular access, access road and associated works including car/cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping.' Map
20/00184/DISC Decided Split
Development Site Adjoining 46
Quail Gardens
Discharge of Conditions 3 (Finished Floor Levels and EVCP) and 20 (SUDs Incorporated) attached to application 19/00543/FUL dated 22/07/2019 for 'Erection of 15 x three bedroom terraced houses. Provision of vehicular access, access road and associated works including car/cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping.' Map
20/01342/DISC Decided Granted
Development Site Adjoining 46
Quail Gardens
Discharge of Conditions 3 (EVCP - Part 2 only) attached to application 19/00543/FUL dated 22/07/2019 for 'Erection of 15 x three bedroom terraced houses. Provision of vehicular access, access road and associated works including car/cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping.' Map
21/04892/DISC Decided Granted
Land Adjoining 46
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition 19 energy statement, produced by Monitor Energy Consultants, which demonstrates carbon dioxide emissions of 35% beyond the 2013 Building Regulations in respect to planning permission 19/00543/ful granted for Erection of 15 x three bedroom terraced houses. Provision of vehicular access, access road and associated works including car/cycle parking, refuse storage and landscaping. Map
L5240/W/22/ 3298553 Decided Dismissed
Hallinwood Bungalow, 46
Quail Gardens
<Not provided> Appeal, Map
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition no.6 - Finished floor levels and datum line, Condition no.12 - Detailed surface water drainage scheme, Condition no.13 - Detailed surface water drainage scheme, Condition no.17 - Details of the public footpath of planning permission ref 23/00454/FUL granted for Demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, al.... Decision deadline 28/05/2024, Map
20/00130/CAT Decided Granted
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Sycamore to be removed due to squirrel damage Map
22/00727/FUL Decided Refused / Appeal Dismissed
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Demolition of existing property and the erection of 8no. terraced dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works. Map
22/00739/TRE Decided Granted
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Common Ash - fell to ground level (TPO 39, 1979) Map
23/00454/FUL Decided Granted
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works. Map
23/04414/DISC Decided Lawful-Refused
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition no.3 - Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) and Condition no.5 - Tree Planting Programme and Tree Protection Methodology Plan of planning permission 23/00454/FUL granted for demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works. Map
23/04622/DISC Decided Lawful-Refused
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition no.4 - Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP: Biodiversity)., Condition 6 Datum Levels and Condition 11 Biodiversity Plan of planning permission 622 granted for Demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works. Condition no..... Map
24/00151/DISC Decided Granted
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition no.3 - Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) and Condition no.5 - Tree Planting Programme and Tree Protection Methodology Plan of planning permission 23/00454/FUL granted for demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works. Map
Decided Granted
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition no.9 Hard Landscaping materials, Condition 10 Cycle and refuse stores, Condition 14 Energy measures of planning permission 23/00454/FUL granted for Demolition of existing property and the erection of 7no. dwellings with shared access from Quail Gardens, along with amenity space, drainage, infrastructure and other associated works. Map
Decided Lawful-Refused
Hallinwood Bungalow 46
Quail Gardens
Details pursuant to Condition no.4 - Construction environmental management plan (CEMP: Biodiversity).Condition no.7 - External materials and detailing. Condition no.8 - Soft landscaping details.Condition no.11 - Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy. Condition no.16 - Obscure-glazing to the side windows of House 1 of planning permission 23/00454/FUL granted for demolition of existing property and the .... Map